ZX Spectrum Resources Page

Ee-by-eck, I remember it well!  Here is a bit of 80's nostalgia for you.  Originally introduced to (or weened) on computing through the Dragon 32, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum is the wee beastie that I was really brought up on.  Many will remember rubbing off the legends on the rubber keyboard, the crashing when you accidently knocked the Kempston joystick interface, the endless tape loading screeches, and then finally over-heating to a premature death.  Luckly mine had a "proper" keyboard fitted and a Plus D disk drive interface, so I mastered it's simple but brilliant BASIC language and had got my head around Z80 assembly (or machine code) when the Speccy eventually become obsolete.  Amazingly though, there are still folk out there writing games for the Spectrum.  Maybe some-point in the future, I may just dig the ol' blighter out, blow off the cob webs and try and see if I can remember any of those mnemonics.  In the meantime, these web sites will direct you to old classic games and emulators with which to run them.

http://www.worldofspectrum.org  The main man!  Get your emulators here...
http://www.cwoodcock.co.uk  Spectrum fanzine (nice site).

http://www.sinclairlair.co.uk  The Sinclair Lair (general stuff).

http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair  Planet Sinclair (more general bit & pieces, including clones).

http://www.secarica.ro/html/zx_zone.html  A speccy fan site with some interesting bits.

http://www.ysrnry.co.uk  Your Sinclair mag tribute site.

http://aticatac.altervista.org/mainframe.htm  Chrome - Italian Spectrum clone.
http://user.tninet.se/~vjz762w/zxata.html  IDE interface for the Speccy (nice - check this!)

http://raww.org  Demo (music) scene news and other news.

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